News & Articles
Current news and mining industry articles covering a myriad of topics written by the Outliers Mining Solutions team.
Fleet management systems, or mine dispatch systems, play a critical role in efficient and productive mining operations. Fleet management systems (or FMS) provide real-time and actionable data to help a mining organization increase efficiency, productivity, and profitability.However, working with new clients, we see issues with the mismanagement of the fleet, a lack of data visibility…
Have you ever purchased an item and wished an experienced professional could teach you how to use it?Imagine you bought an exotic sports car and wanted to learn how to drive it – you would hire a trained racing driver, not someone from the dealership. The dealer can show you how to use the instrument…
Fleet management systems, or FMS, have been a staple at open pit mining operations for decades. However, in underground mining operations, fleet management systems have been adopted much slower than their above-ground counterparts.While smaller underground operations may have fewer ore draw points, resulting in less need for complex features such as dynamic dispatching. However, an…